Star tiger
JoinedTopics Started by Star tiger
Isaiah 45:7
by Star tiger inhi, the verse sums up to me all of the bible that god is control of everything good or bad it is all down to him there is nothing that is not known by him, and what is a person that does good and bad things the answer is human.
best regards, star tiger.
Are you an absent viewer of life?
by Star tiger ini've always viewed myself as a member of this cult, never really being involved in doing anything that could help my situation, as a nearly born in jehovahs witness i thought all bad things would be sorted out long before 2012, even after leaving the cult, i must admit that i seem to be very lack luste, am i suffering from post cult fatigue, most things seem to be meh.
i know i should be full of energy since my exit from a destructive cult, but eh!.
how does one get the power to find a way to function properly after a cult!.
spirituality and religion - what are the differences?
by soft+gentle intrying to understand the differences.
started this topic on the xjwsforchrist forum as well and would like to ask jwn posters the same question.
Why you love America
by jamesmahon init struck me, as i guess it has a lot of people, that there are so many threads from both americans and the rest of us that seem to descend into america bashing.
i thought it might be quite nice to have a thread solely (and i mean solely - if this just turns negative i will call foul) on what we think is great about america.
as a brit who has lived and been over a number of times there are many parts about america that i think are great and thought is would be healthy to have a positive thread for a change.. so a starter for ten (with a few gross generalisations thrown in):.
...Stop the Trap!...New Internet Laws Pending..You could have to pay a big fine for simply clicking on the wrong link...
by OUTLAW inen francais .
you could have to pay a big fine for simply clicking on the wrong link.. right now, a group of 600 industry lobbyist "advisors" and un-elected government trade representatives are scheming behind closed doors1,2 to craft an international agreement called the trans-pacific partnership (tpp).. why the secrecy?
we know from leaked documents3 that the tpp includes what amounts to an internet trap that would:.
When you left the JW/WT religion, were you really an adult ?
by Phizzy ini spent decades in the religion, i was born in, so my world view, my education, my social skills, all were dictated by and controlled by the "religion".. i feel that when i left i was immature in many ways, i had never faced my own mortality, i knew nothing of the reality of evolution, i had never voted in an election, i had never donated blood, i had never confronted the reality of the bibles status etc etc etc.. it was like a child walking off in to the blue yonder, no knowledge, no experience.. the main problem was, i had never really made my own decisions, i had never had to consider all the evidence and then decide for myself.. it was frightening and yet exilarating at the same time, but i was woefully equipped for the real world.. how did you feel ?
confidant ?
perplexed ?